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he makes his 8’s like 3’s
他把8写得像  detail>>
so he goes out and he makes his money
所以他出门前,他自有他的钱  detail>>
he carries his liquor like a gentleman
他酒量很大没有丝毫醉意  detail>>
he looks just like his mother
他和他母亲长得很像  detail>>
he makes me sick
他让我恶心  detail>>
he who makes no mistakes makes nothing
不犯错  detail>>
his flattery makes me sick
他的恭维让我恶心  detail>>
march 8  detail>>
august 3  detail>>
he never makes a counteroffer to me
他从来没有回请过我  detail>>
the way he makes me feel
爱的感觉  detail>>
and like his promise is true
而像他承诺属实  detail>>
hitler and his like
希特勒之流  detail>>
bob makes his living as a con artist
鲍勃是位行骗高手 并以行骗为生  detail>>
缩宫素,催产素,3-异亮氨酸-8-亮氨酸加压素  detail>>
he abandoned his family
他抛弃家人  detail>>
he acknowledged his mistake
他承认了他的错误  detail>>
he admitted his weakness
他承认自己的短处  detail>>